Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Energy Saving Week Tips

Turn off Standby appliances

Take a look around your home, how many appliances do you have on standby? TV, phone charger, microwave, lights? These devices draw power when plugged in and not in use. This is sometimes known as 'vampire power'.  Each appliance may only account for £3 each year although, if you have 30 appliances on standby this amounts to £90 every year! Research from energy saving experts have also discovered that having appliances on standby may account for about one hundredth of all carbon dioxide emissions released into the atmosphere globally.

 Turn down Temperatures

The washing machine is one of the most heavily used appliances in the home. A 7kg washing machine used 220 times a year will cost typically between £25 - £35 a year to run. In-fact, wet appliances account for almost 10% of typical household’s energy bills. To save energy, switch to low temperature 30-degree washes.
Money can also be saved by turning down the thermostat dial. Research from Energy Saving Trust shows that more than 60 % of the British public are making at least one heating control errors. Simply setting your thermostat from 24 C to 23 C, could save £75 a year to your annual energy bill.

Be Water-wise

Save water by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving, rather than running a constant stream. Studies have shown that we waste four gallons a minute. Doing this can save 200 gallons a week for a family of four!
Think twice before filling up your kettle to the brim. The average kettle holds 1.5 litres of water and uses about 0.1 kWh of electricity to boil for 3 minutes. That’s around 2.5 pence every time you boil a full kettle. The average British person drinks 884 cups of tea each year, this means that we spend over £20 every year boiling the kettle!

About us:

Better Off Finance is offering residents of the Liverpool City Region who are currently unemployed (although don't have to be claiming benefits), a bespoke programme of support. 

This support will be provided at a local community venue or at home if a participant prefers.
Each participant will be linked up with their own key worker who will support them to:
Improve their financial capability through 1-2-1 support and group work

·                     Access employability sessions within the programme
·                     Access a Level 2 Accredited ‘Money Mentor’ opportunity
·                     Progress into training and education opportunities
·                     Prepare and progress into sustainable employment.
Please contact us via our Facebook or Twitter pages to make a referral or for further information.

Better Off Finance is a program jointly funded by The Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund as part of the Building Better Opportunities Initiative

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