Thursday, 10 September 2020

Meet Simon: A Fresh Start

After spending ten years in prison, Simon was in financial difficulties and having to rely on family for help. Read how support from Better Off Finance got him back on his feet.

Leaving prison after a lengthy sentence presents many difficulties; one of the most common and most challenging surrounds money and finances. Many offenders are already in debt upon entering the prison system, and this situation is often made worse while they are incarcerated (creditors can also take action even if someone is in prison), meaning that upon release, their financial situation is often very unstable. This makes people more likely to reoffend in order to pay off debt and provide an income: The Ministry of Justice found that 67% of ex-prisoners who slept rough went on to commit another crime within a year.

Upon his release from prison after 10 years, Simon* was left homeless and had to resort to sleeping on his son’s couch. With no accommodation of his own or even any clothes, Simon was having to rely on his son for very basic supplies, knocking his confidence and leaving him feeling low. His probation officer referred him to the Better Off Finance programme to support him in getting back on his feet.

His Key Worker helped Simon apply for housing, and also successfully obtained a grant to allow him to buy a bed and clothing for when he moved into his own home. He told us: ‘I am now more comfortable having a bed to sleep in and don’t feel untidy anymore. This has boosted by self-respect and confidence.’

While in prison, Simon had undertaken many courses to boost his qualifications, and upon release decided he wanted to work towards his forklift qualification. He successfully secured his CSCS qualification, which allows him to work on building sites, and means he is one step closer to his goal of becoming a forklift instructor.

Support from Better Off Finance and his Key Worker have allowed Simon to get on the right track for a brighter future. His job search is ongoing, but he is hopeful that he will find employment in the near future.

He said: ‘The Better Off Finance programme has been extremely helpful in my small step back to my own independence and moving forward.

‘It is a very supportive programme, my Key Worker was friendly and approachable, and I would recommend it to anyone needing assistance in changing their situation. [Better Off Finance] has given me my confidence back.’

About us:

Better Off Finance is offering residents of the Liverpool City Region who are currently unemployed (although don't have to be claiming benefits), a bespoke programme of support. 

This support will be provided at a local community venue or at home if a participant prefers.
Each participant will be linked up with their own key worker who will support them to:
Improve their financial capability through 1-2-1 support and group work

• Access employability sessions within the programme
• Access a Level 2 Accredited ‘Money Mentor’ opportunity
• Progress into training and education opportunities
• Prepare and progress into sustainable employment.

Please contact us via our Facebook or Twitter pages to make a referral or for further information.

Better Off Finance is a programme jointly funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund as part of the Building Better Opportunities Initiative.

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