Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Meet Amanda: Making a positive change

This month, we caught up with Amanda*, one of our clients who has been involved with the Better Off Finance programme.

How did you get involved with the Better Off Finance Programme?

I was referred to the Better Off Finance programme by RAISE – a charity that helps housing association tenants with advice. I’m unable to work because I have a long-term health condition that affects my breathing, and I live with my son, who I support single-handedly.

What support did you receive whilst on the programme?

I had a Better Off Finance Key Worker that would offer me one to one support. When I came to the programme, I had water, gas and electricity debts, which I was struggling to clear. My Key Worker helped with issues around debt, helped me to access the benefits that I was entitled to, and provided welfare rights advice.

In what ways has the support you were given made a difference?

The support has made a massive difference to both myself and my son who lives with me, but also to my other family members who have been part of my daily care/living.

Describe how your circumstances have changed since receiving this support?

The worry and stress of long-standing debts and money matters has been lifted. All these things were contributing to my illnesses and my quality of life. I am in a much better place in life mentally. My daily living has improved because of the help I have received.

What was the best thing about Better Off Finance?

The one to one support I have received has been fantastic, these are services I would otherwise have not been able to access. Without this help, I was overwhelmed with debt issues and unaware of the benefits I was entitled to, with their support these issues have been overcome.

What would you say to someone else who was thinking about accessing the support from Better Off Finance?

I would (and have!) strongly advise and recommend this service to other people in a similar situation to mine. The support I’ve received from my Key Worker and the programme has been second to none.

Do you have anything else to add around your experience on the programme?

This service is invaluable, the key workers do a fantastic job helping people very often in desperate situations, they are absolute angels for people like myself and their support, help and guidance helps turn people’s lives around!

About us:

Better Off Finance is offering residents of the Liverpool City Region who are currently unemployed (although don't have to be claiming benefits), a bespoke programme of support. 

This support will be provided at a local community venue or at home if a participant prefers.
Each participant will be linked up with their own key worker who will support them to:
Improve their financial capability through 1-2-1 support and group work

• Access employability sessions within the programme
• Access a Level 2 Accredited ‘Money Mentor’ opportunity
• Progress into training and education opportunities
• Prepare and progress into sustainable employment.

Please contact us via our Facebook or Twitter pages to make a referral or for further information.

Better Off Finance is a programme jointly funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund as part of the Building Better Opportunities Initiative.

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